Equiphotel Paris - Navigation

Developed an online/offline strategy to improve navigation at the event which was validated with onsite research.

 Challenge: Address negative customer feedback about navigation at a large scale multi-hall, multi-level event.

Action: Multi channel solution involving signage, concierge centred around a new "Navigation App".

Result: 100% growth in App adoption, positive feedback from onsite interviews validating the approach to justify budget in subsequent years.

 Equiphotel is an event focuses on suppliers in equipment to the hospitality industry. It is located in Paris at the Porte de Versailles venue and is spread across 6 halls on 3 floors.

As Head of Digital Innovation I was invited to input to the event strategy around navigation, which had been highlighted in the most recent post-event survey as a source of dissatisfaction for visitors. I worked with the team to understand the current tools available including onsite signage and human assistance. I discovered that the signage budget had been reduced, and that the team were hoping a digital tool could fill the gap for less money.

My recommendation was to develop a simple online/offline solution based around having an App with a good quality interactive floorplan that was marketed as the "Navigation App" to directly address the use case. This was supported by highly visible concierge using "iWalker" screens in key locations such as main entrances and thoroughfares. At the same time I engaged the Global Research team within RX to conduct customer research onsite with a cross-section of visitors to understand their pain points in navigating.

The reaction to the App and the help from hosts was very positively received, with twice as many people using the App than previously.  A key finding was to validate the budget spend on some forms of physical signage, especially overhead signage for aisle numbering, but also for outdoor signage so those arriving at the venue can easily find their way into the event.

I produced this summary video with recommendations that aimed to improve navigation further year on year, and suggested considering more advanced digital tools such as 'blue-dot' navigation.

My role: Product strategy, customer communication strategy, defining the research brief, onboarding the App vendor and supporting the team in delivering the end to end experience.